
Friday, January 20, 2012

Football Crackers

My husband loves football. He watches it while he eats his dip and crackers. I decided to give his traditional snack a creative twist. The kids preferred this twist. Can you tell what we will be watching this weekend?
 My oldest daughter is very creative so she took the football themed twist to another level with her background.
Football Cheese and crackers
3 slices of cheddar cheese
1 package of chicken sausage, buffalo style
1 sleeve of crackers
food dye

  1. Take the cheese and using a biscuit cutter press only half of the cutter into cheese. 
  2. Flip the cheese over and cut into the second part of the cheese to form the shape of a football.
  3. Cook the sausage according to the directions. Slice the sausage into 1/2 inch circles.
  4. Top each cracker with the cheese and sausage. Can add dressing in between each layers to hold the items together.
  5. Top the cheese with food dye to look like the stitching of the football if desired.
Recipe adapted from Gimme Some Oven
 Did you already know...........
-Football evolved from rugby and soccer.
-In 1869, Yale and McGill played the first game of football.
-In 1892, the first professional football player was paid $500 for one game. 

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