
Monday, January 2, 2012

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

My first post of the year 2012! Since my new year's resolution is to eat more fruit and vegetables, this is the perfect way to kick off the year. I've noticed as an adult I eat more vegetables than fruit. I cook a lot of vegetables which my husband has told me I can stop.
These fruit kabobs are a nice start for my New Year's resolution.  These fruit kabobs will make it easier to reach my goal. I used straws to make these kabobs since I have a six year old. He may just think he can use it to poke his sisters-not a good thing.
These fruit kabobs I found on Pinterest? I knew the kids would like it. My son made five of these kabobs and ate them all. He thinks this is cool.

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs
1 pint of strawberries
1 cantalope
1 fresh pineapple
1 pound of green grapes/kiwi
1 pint of blueberries
1 pound of dark purple grapes
20 straws

  1. Clean all the fruit and slice to bite size.
  2. Insert the fruit onto a straw. A hole may have to be inserted first by a skewer.
  3. Add the fruit according to the rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
  4. Any other fruit can be substitute for the same color.
Recipe adapted from Pinterest.
Do I have to share?
Did you already know:
-About 40% of Americans make New Years Resolutions.
-Some popular resolutions are: drink less, become more educated, get fit, and quit smoking.   

Did you make a New Year's Resolution?

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