
Friday, February 24, 2012

Southern Charm

Did you know Southern charm is an inheritable trait? My son must have received this trait from his Southern Grandfather. Now, I will admit honey works better than vinegar with me. My son knows this so he continues to call me, his sweet, sweet Momma. "Sweet, sweet Momma, can you make this for dinner?" "Sweet, sweet Momma, can I play the DS?" He even tries for extra points with, "I want to hold sweet, sweet Momma's hand." I will admit I try to be strong and not fold but wouldn't you if someone is calling you sweet? I guess I could change the blog's name to Sweet, sweet Momma but then I would feel old.
In celebration of my son's birthday, I wanted to make him one of his favorite dishes. He loves macaroni and cheese in the blue box. I refuse to make it. I will buy it since it is a dish my oldest daughter likes to cook. She adds tuna fish when she makes it.
I have made this dish several times before and it taste a lot better than the blue box. It is perfect for a weeknight. I know all the ingredients and there is no unknown orange powder going into the meal. The original recipe calls for elbow macaroni but I used Campanelle pasta to be fancy. You didn't realize macaroni and cheese could be fancy, huh? Also, I doubled the original recipe to feed six people as a meal.

Stove Top Mac-n-Cheese

1 lb  Campanelle pasta
7 Tbsp of butter, unsalted
4 eggs
12 oz evaporated milk, 2%
1 tsp hot sauce
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
12 oz. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

  1. In a large pot, cook the pasta according to the package directions to al dente.
  2. Drain the pasta and add it back to the pot.
  3. Add the butter and allow the butter to melt. Toss to coat the pasta. 
  4. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, hot sauce, salt, and pepper.
  5. Stir the egg mixture into the pasta.
  6. Add the cheese and stir.
  7. Over low heat, stir the pasta for about 3 minutes or until the mixture is creamy.
Recipe adapted from Alton Brown.
Did you already know........
-The Italian word campanelle means bells.
-Campanelle pasta is a fluted, hollow pasta with a ruffled edge.
-Other substitutes for campanelle are gigli, riccioli, fusilli, ziti, etc.
-Check out the National Pasta Association link for even more unusual shapes of pasta.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet sweet macaroni and cheese! Now who can resist a name like that for a meal?
