
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Icebox Dessert

It is hard to buy my husband a gift early. He seems to always be home when it arrives. It is just my luck. Well, my husband loves coffee. He drinks it all the time. It doesn't affect his sleep at all. Now, I drink half decaf sometimes. If I drink any past noon, I will not be sleeping any time soon. Which could be why I tend to do my blog late at night. So the day my husband received his new coffee maker, he made two cups. The machine takes k-cups and he thinks it is the coolest thing. The next day he had four cups. I have a feeling he really likes it.
Now, I haven't been feeling the best so the kids have been helping me in the kitchen. This is the best dessert for kids to make for Dad on Father's Day. I only instructed. I did not make it. My daughter loves it so we have made it several times. The first time I heard about this dessert was on Smitten Kitchen's website but the recipe is also on the box of the chocolate wafer cookies. I will say the first food blog I ever checked out was her website. I still check it out.
Oh, this is going to be good!
Icebox Dessert
2 cups heavy cream
2 Tbsp fine sugar
1 (9 oz.) package chocolate wafer cookies
1 oz. semi sweet chocolate square 
  1. In a large bowl, beat the cream with the sugar until soft peaks form.
  2. Take one cookie and spread the whipped cream on both sides.
  3. Add a cookie to the whipped cream cookie and continue to add cookies to each end to form a long train. 
  4. Take the remaining whipped cream and frost the top and down the sides of the cookie train to cover.
  5. Grate the chocolate over the whipped cream.
  6. Cover the dessert and refrigerate for at least several hours or overnight.
Recipe adapted from Smitten Kitchen.
Singing is allowed during assembly
Did you already know...
-It is estimated to be over 70 million father's in the U.S.
-In 1909, Sonora Dodd conceived the idea Father's Day to honor her widowed father who raised his six children.
- In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson designated Father's Day to be the 3rd Sunday in June.
-June was the month Sonora Dodd's father was born.


  1. What an interesting (and tasty!) dessert! I enjoy Deb's blog too. I hope your husband enjoys the sweet. I really need to get on the ball, I have no idea what to do for Father's day this year. It doesn't help that his birthday is on Tuesday either! :)

  2. My husband always likes it a lot but I think the kids like it the most. Happy Birthday and Father's Day to your husband.
