
Thursday, August 2, 2012

English Pancakes

I have never had English pancakes before. Have you? The best way to describe them would be a cross between a crepe and a pancake. They are delicate and light. The pancake by itself is plan but that is why toppings are great!
When I was researching them, many sites served the pancakes with lemon. Lemon? I wouldn't have thought to top my pancakes with lemon. I had to try it. Now, I like lemonade so I liked the lemon and sugar topping. It is funny of all the new foods I make the kids did not want to try these pancakes. I did talk my son into trying the pancakes with lemon and he liked them. My youngest daughter wanted just sugar. My oldest daughter wanted stewed strawberries. The hardest thing about these pancakes was flipping them. It took a little practice.
English Pancakes
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg 
1 egg yolk
1 1/8 cup milk
1 Tbsp melted butter
little vegetable oil or melted butter to coat the skillet
white sugar and lemon juice for topping

  1. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour and salt.
  2. Make a well in the center of the flour and add the egg, egg yolk, and 1/2 of the milk. Whisk.
  3. Add the remaining 1/2 of the milk and the melted butter. Whisk well.
  4. Heat an 8 inch skillet over medium heat until hot.
  5. Add the oil or butter and heat for a few seconds.
  6. Add about 2 Tbsp of the pancake batter to the skillet. Swirl the batter in the skillet to coat the bottom of the pan. 
  7. Cook the pancake about 30 seconds before flipping.
  8. Remove from pan onto a plate. 
  9. Top the pancake with the sugar and lemon. Roll up the pancake.
Recipe adapted from A Bowl of Mush website.
Did you already know...
-English pancakes are a popular dish to make on Shove Tuesday.
-Shove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is the day before Lent.
-On Pancake Day, some English towns hold pancake races in which women will race to a finish line while carrying a skillet and flipping pancakes.
She was trying to distract me while I took my photos! Isn't she sweet
I decided not to post the photo of her making faces at me!


  1. They remind me of crepes! They look beautiful! I wish I had a whole plate of these right now!

  2. Thanks Julie. They reminded me of crepes too but not so eggy.
