
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best of 2013

I hope you have a wonderful New Years and I predict next year will be better than this year. This year seemed to go by crazy fast. To recap this year, my oldest daughter moved to California. I can't wait until she visits next month. We lost my Mother-in-law Linda and our Nana Norma. We will always miss them. My youngest child is eight years old. I still can't my baby is 8 years old. Also, I made some delicious food. I wanted to list some of my favorite recipes I made this year. Since I made a lot of cookies, I decided to make it a category:

Favorite breakfast:
Favorite meat:
Favorite bread:
Favorite cookie:
Favorite dessert:

Did you already know..............
-The Old Farmer's Almanac is accurate 80% of the time.
-In 1792, The Old Farmer's Almanac was first published.
-The Old Farmer's Almanac predicts more snow and colder temperatures this winter.
Happy New Year!

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