
Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. We did. We stayed home and relaxed. One of the things I noticed several blogs have started is posting a weekly menu. For the most part, I tend to compose a menu. Did you like how I wrote composed? Why? Because we never stick with it. 

Here was my menu for last week: 
Sunday: Meatloaf (My husband and I made it.)
Monday: Cheesy, Corn, and Kielbasa Chowder (I made it.)
Tuesday: Taco Bake (My husband did not make it so leftovers.)
Wednesday: Sandwich of choice (I made a BLT.)
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner (We had takeout which was not breakfast.)
Friday: Chicken Dish (I made Mexican Chicken Casserole which I'll post later.)
Saturday: Spaghetti (I made it.)
Cheesy, Corn, and Kielbasa Chowder
As you can see, we start the week successful then it changes. We go grocery shopping every other day so it really is no big deal to change. Just some nights, we are tired and really don't want to cook. My husband is suppose to cook Monday through Thursday. Then I cook Friday through Sunday. I plan the meals on my days and my husband plans his meals. If you make a menu, do you stick to it? If so, what is your strategy so you make sure to follow it? 

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