
Friday, December 16, 2016

Best of 2016

     I keep meaning to blog, to say hi, or even post a new recipe but time wouldn't slow down for me. Now, we are already at the end of the year. I actually like blogging. I love cooking. I just haven't been cooking as much. Luckily, my husband has been cooking. He really does a good job.
     Before I recap our favorite recipes, I want to recap the year. We are still in North Carolina but we bought a house. Moving is so much work. We still have boxes to unpack and we moved over 5 months ago! At work, I have been working on a temporary detail which I love. However, it is temporary but I am still able to work on the detail for a couple more month. Personally, I love my husband and kids with all my heart. We have lost a cousin, nephew, an Aunt, and friends. It has been hard and they will always have a place in our heart and memories. Now, lets talk about food.

Favorite Breakfast:

Favorite Dinner:

Favorite Cake:

Favorite Dessert:

I wish you and your family a 
Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!