
Monday, May 6, 2013

Fresh Orange Juice

Since this weekend is Mother's Day, I wanted to try out some recipes with my kids. Yes, this way I can hint at maybe some possible suggestions they may want to make this weekend. Now when I make recipes with them, I notice sometimes they want me to add weird combinations. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Well, we had a lot of oranges that I needed to use up. For some reason, my son thought there should be at least one lemon in there. It does taste good. I'm unsure if my husband or oldest daughter will make it this way but I would make it again. I didn't use any fancy kitchen equipment except a hand juicer. If you are going to hand juice anything, I highly recommend placing a paper towel under the cup. This way it will give it more stability. My cup slide which knocked over my cup. My son escaped being covered with juice but I wasn't so fortunate. Next time, I just hope I remember my lesson.
Fresh Orange Juice
9 oranges
1 lemon

  1. Squeeze the oranges and the lemon one at a time into a cup.
  2. Remove any additional seeds from the cup before adding to a pitcher.
  3. Serve or add a little water for a more diluted taste.
One year ago........................I made Dulce de Leche Rice Pudding.
Did you already know..........
-Some Valencia oranges are green due to the warm weather.   
-With Navel oranges, the bigger the navel is an indicator the sweeter the orange.
-In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought the first orange seed to the New World. 

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