
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fruit Riesling

I have discovered I can get my husband to consume fruit in two ways. The most obvious way is dessert. The other way is in a drink. He will occasionally drink a smooth as long as he can't see any spinach in it. We have tried telling him that he can't taste them but he is convinced he has superman taste buds and he can taste it. I made this drink and he shared a glass with me. He said he liked it. I love the novelty of fruit in my drinks even if I add it just to water but this German wine is even better.
Fruit Riesling Drink
2 plums, sliced
1 peach, sliced 1 (11.5 oz) frozen white grape raspberry juice
3 cups water
1 1/2 cup Riesling
1 1/2 cup ginger ale
  1. Evenly place the fruit slices in two to four glasses. Set aside.
  2. In a pitcher, combine the juice, water, wine, and ginger ale. Stir.
  3. Pour the drink over the fruit in the glasses. 
  4. Serve immediately or refrigerate the pitcher.
Recipe by Jen of Sweet Morris.

One year ago...........................I made Fiesta Chicken Enchiladas.
Two years ago.........................I made German Red Cabbage.
Did you already know..............
-Riesling originated from the Rhine region of Germany.
-Riesling is made from white grapes.
-Riesling wine is typically a sweet white wine.

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