
Friday, October 2, 2015


Sometimes I have crazy thoughts like I should try making some sauerkraut. Why did I ever think to make sauerkraut? I have no idea. The kids thought it was strange. My husband just humored me and avoided the bag. To have a large plastic bag of cabbage sitting on your counter does seem a little strange. I guess it is perfect to make in time for Halloween. We did compare my sauerkraut with a can of store bought. My sauerkraut was a little sweeter. Plus my sauerkraut was chopped and not shredded. Will I make sauerkraut again? Who knows?
Sauerkraut aka shark teeth
5 lbs, green cabbage, shredded
3 Tbsp pickling salt
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp caraway seeds

  1. In a large bowl, combine the cabbage, salt, bay leaves, and caraway seeds.
  2. Allow to rest for 10 minutes.
  3. Pack the cabbage mixture into a large plastic storage bag. 
  4. Place a lid on top of the cabbage mixture. 
  5. Place a clean, heavy sealed container on top of the lid to weigh down the cabbage.
  6. Allow to rest overnight.
  7. The cabbage should have released some water to emerge the cabbage. 
  8. Continue to allow the cabbage to rest at room temperature for a couple of weeks but check on it every day. If any scum appears, then skim the scum away. (I never saw any scum on mine.)
  9. Continue to allow the cabbage to rest at room temperature for a month before transferring to the refrigerator.
Recipe adapted from Alton Brown.

One year ago...........................I made Buttermilk Cheddar Biscuits.
Two years ago.........................I made Asparagus Soup.
Three years ago.......................I made Sauerbraten Roast.
Four years ago.........................I made Hamburger.
Did you already know..............
-In German, sauerkraut means sour cabbage.

-Sauerkraut is salted cabbage that is allowed to ferment.
-German immigrants would bring barrels of sauerkraut on their ships to America.

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